Red Peaches

Soft round curves, intense coloring and marvelous light touching a woman’s peaches. I’m normally not the typical ass kind a guy, but this photograph in all it’s simplicity is definitely a turn on. It’s a pure celebration of all things feminine brought together in one single image. The digital images of Jehan Legac are an exploration, it’s like entering an other persons mind and find yourself floating around on sensual thoughts.

Sarah Evans about the work of Jehan:
” Jehan has had a life of photography, eroticisms, and worldly adventure. From his photo shootings in the US to his studio in Spain, his lusts for life are reflected in his photography and especially his artwork. His wife of 15 years, Thea, inspired his first art piece, “Bleu Fish”. His works have been nothing less than inspiring. Jehan can spark a person’s sensual desires as he enhances their senses with light and his own imagination. He not only defines erotic art, but presents us with a visual distinction between erotic and pornographic. To be a subject of a commissioned piece would be to never see that person the same way again. Jehan’s eye for beauty is nothing less than angelic. ”
The website of Jehan Legac

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