Hot Women drawings

Hot women in sexy lingerie, posing and playing. Serious Studies of a woman’s torso with an excellent eye for proportion in a very ‘finished’ style, but also some very nasty duo’s like the drawing of two hot women riding each other, called Cockles.

The work of Paul John Ballard ranges from these erotic women drawings to his comics with super babes under attack by aliens and zombies.

This guy seems like a chameleon, adjusting his drawings style for the purpose needed. The first images I saw from his ‘polished’ style women, did not really ring a bell, but after browsing trough his work some more I’m convinced that he is indeed a capable artist. The nude studies show a good free drawings style, and even in his polished, in my opinion a little to finished, work he uses exciting dynamical compositions, that make them stand out.

I would love to see some more of his sketches, like the one of the nude male. I can imagine that if he is capable of maintaining the freedom visible in this study some very good drawings would emerge. But that’s just my personal point of view, meanwhile enjoy some nice drawings of some beautiful hot women.

The website of Paul John Ballard

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