Oral Sex in Wonderland

A woman and her mate, engaged in intense oral sex. This love making position would take some time to learn, but the painting promises us heaven, well to be precise ‘Wonderland’. I’m not sure if it’s the same, but she is really enjoying herself that’s for sure. Not often you see artists creating explicit sex scenes in their art. And that’s especially true for oral sex, most artist are more involved with suggestion and suspense. The direct approach of the Martino twin brothers is kind of refreshing.

The Martino brothers are identical twins and besides sharing their origin they also share there passion for art. They even work on the same paintings. I guess you have to be twins to do that, I can not imagine that someone would touch my work. And I think most artist are really individualistic, so working together in the creation process is quite unique.

The style of the Martino brothers, is rather direct and pure. The figures are straightforward with black contour lines and I love the way they use the paint, strong bright colors and an expressionistic painting technique. The subject of the paintings are diverse, short erotic story’s like a couple putting on their clothes after having sex. Or the oral sex scene I mentioned before. They also have some less explicit work, with an almost esoterical theme.

The art of the Martino brothers is interesting to explore, I like their directness, but others could call it naive.

The website of the Martino Twins

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