The untouchable human body

In the work of Lothar Ponhold the human body is used as an almost impersonal object, with clean perfection and a total absence of possible identification. The people on display are totally subordinate to the artistic concept, the theme, the light and the environment they are placed in.

His work contains nudes, that should be admired in a more formal way, the human body as a living object that is reflecting the light and is is taking up space. But also some more dramatical works, with a very ‘clean’ and glamorous style. These images are displaying various erotic or non-erotic topics like, the image of Christ, the bleeding couple and the leather mistress.

The work of Ponhold is heavily connected to the glamor an fashion photography, the style, but also in the distance he creates between us ‘regular’ people and his icons of beauty.

The website of Lothar Ponhold

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