Porn stars & Saints

Although we know a few porn stars by their name, some are more or less secret celebrities, they represent something rather anonymous, or maybe even archetypical. It’s their nature to become every man’s fantasy, everyone’s ultimate woman, therefore they need to abandon their own personality, when they perform in a porn movie.

The connection Francesco D’Isa makes between a porn star and an other archetypical phenomena, the Saint, is not an easy one. While we describe a Saint in words of greatness, we mostly consider a porn actor to be on the other end of the spectrum. But both followed a path to something D’Isa refers to as “everymanism”. Someone who’s connected to all, and is owned by everyone. D’Isa wrote a comprehensive Essay on the subject, where he explains his intriguing concept “Porn Saints” . His mission is clearly stated on his new website, “Porn saints is an artistic approach to porn, a pornographic approach to art and a pornographic & artistic approach to religion”.

The whole idea is reflected in some wonderful pieces of art, drawings and photo collages, where he displays his “porn Saints”. Some images have a predictable setting, like a church window, a place normally reserved for Saints, while in other pieces he provides his stars with a new identity.

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