The erotic art of Zoe Corleone

The erotic art of Zoe Corleone has a rather psychological approach towards sex, people working in the adult industry, and sexual exploration in general.

In most of her work the people are lonely and rather anonymous, while they display themselves on stage, or are involved in some sort of a sexual encounter. It’s an image of the darker side of the scene, where paid sex takes away one’s individuality, and sexual experiments don’t automatically lead to satisfaction.

Most of her work starts with photographs, mainly women doing their striptease or pole dancing act. From that point she starts adding color, form and structure, layering it with feelings, redirecting its original meaning. This rather spontaneous process, where the collage nearly builds itself, gives these images their unique expressionistic atmosphere.

Zoe Corleone is one of the people behind the “Museum of Porn in Art” initiative, a gallery located in Zurich, Switzerland. The gallery currently features a show of one of my favorite erotic artists, Martin Toye©. The exhibition is called “Fornigrafe­as, the Naked World of Martin Toye”, the show starts at 23 march 2007, more information is available on the Museum website.

Information about the Martin Toye © exhibition

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