Dark Erotic art by Santerineross

John Santerineross takes us by the hand and guides us through the darkest of our desires while showing us stunning images of our deepest fears and sexual obsessions.

Is his work a search for salvation or a tribute to darkness? The complex images full of references to our own culture, religion and sexuality are unexplainable in writing. Picture after picture, John Santerineross gives us an image so full of depth and complexity that, after a while, we enter a state of schizophrenic bewilderment not knowing what we are, want or are afraid to be.

John Santerineross gives us images we have decipher ourselves. The words of Anais Nin that John uses on his website couldn’t describe this better. We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are. The reaction of the viewer on Santerineross’s, sometimes really confronting, images tells more about the fears and desires of the viewer than about the artwork.

The Gothic culture where the work of John is often associated with, is one of the most creative subcultures of our time. They use and redefine all of our cultural heritage. The icons of religion, history and fashion, all are used to shape their own culture and iconography. Some of the best erotic artists today are inspired by the Gothic culture or are a part of it.

The work of Santerineross is strong and has an intense personal style. John’s usage of the Sepia grayish color in relation with the complex usage of structures integrates perfectly with his themes. The characters that are filling his world are marvelously depicted and are a real contribution to the dreamy and dark erotic world he creates.

John has just finished his book Dream, The dark Erotic visions of John Santerineross. It is an exploration of the photographic image as a manifestation of dream iconography. I would highly recommend this book. It is available in the USA through the artist website. Europeans can buy the book at Amazon.

The website of John Santerineross

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