The Naked Issue

The photographer Oliver Nielson is exploring the boundaries of nakedness and erotic feelings. What does it take to experience a naked body as erotic or even as an sexual object? Is it the naked body itself? the person? or the situation?

The women in his work are almost used as anonymous objects, you see parts of the body, and often the woman’s head is not even visible.

In an other part of his ‘Naked Issue’ series you do see the head of the girl, it has the word ‘slut’ written on it. The girl is dressed up as a school girl, but you see her posing as a hooker. She sends out different signals at the same time, some of them conflicting , while others are strengthening each other. The images in the ‘Naked Issue’ are not bound by their style, or even by their artistic approach, they are bound by their concept, the naked body itself.

His images are more conceptual than sensitive, free from limiting modernistic style and renewal ideas. His work is made to communicate his ideas and it’s forcing us to think about ourselves and the way we see others, naked or not.

The website of Oliver Nielson

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