Sexy fantasy art, the women of Colero

His imaginary world is full of incredibly sexy women, ranging from a highly seductive Vampire lady to a wonderful water Nymph. Most of his work is build around established fantasy theme’s, with some original variations on the subject.

Besides his fantasy women there’s also an abundant collection of religious themed images. Like a female Christ, a battle of Angels or a Nun trying to withstand the temptations of the Flesh.

An other erotic area he’s exploring is fetish and bondage. These images are clearly more explicit, but the focus remains the same, displaying a woman’s sensuality, slightly exaggerated, in all its beauty.

There are many artists working in the fantasy ( erotic ) art field, some use traditional techniques, others embrace the hyper-realistic possibilities provided by the digital media. Often the images they produce are very similar in style and expression. I had the feeling there wasn’t much exiting on the horizon, luckily Bruce Colero proves me wrong.

The work of Colero is published in “Heavenly Bodies – The Art of Bruce Colero” (available at ) and a new art book will be released in May next year. Meanwhile be sure to visit his online portfolio, it’s full of amazing erotic fantasy art, pinups and comics.

Artist website

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